Sangral®  Potassium Jumbo White

Sangral® Potassium Jumbo White is a potassium source that provides rapidly absorbed nitrate-nitrogen, the plant’s preferred nitrogen source. This makes Sangral® Potassium Jumbo White the product of choice to achieve the best yields.

  • Ease of application
  • Fast dissolution rate
  • Does not acidify the soil
  • Safe for chloride-sensitive crops
  • Beneficial under saline growth conditions

Sangral® Potassium Jumbo White bags are not IMO 5.1 classified

NutrientSymbolTypical analysis (%)  Characteristics  Characteristics 
Total nitrogen / nitric nitrogen N / N-NO3 12,8 / 12,8  Physical appearance prill
Potassium oxide / Potassium K2O / K  46,3 / 38,6 Size guide num ber (SGN) 270 -2 90 
Sulphur trioxide / Sulphur SO3 / S  1,7 / 0,7  ColourWhite